Fashion designer Veekee James recently shared a video call with her husband, Femi Atere, suggesting that many single women remain unmarried because they seek an ideal partner. She commented, “This could be you and somebody’s son, but you like your men tall and handsome with perfect set of teeth, 100% financial responsibility, impeccable dress sense, very spiritual, yet with a touch of bad boyness.” The couple, who married in February 2024, continue to share affectionate moments publicly.
In the video, Veekee and Femi are seen sharing a light-hearted moment, further emphasizing her point about unrealistic expectations.
Since their wedding, the couple has frequently shared glimpses of their relationship on social media, often accompanied by messages promoting realistic expectations in relationships.
Veekee’s comments have sparked discussions online, with some agreeing that high standards can hinder finding a partner, while others believe in holding out for the right person.
The debate continues as more individuals weigh in on the balance between standards and practicality in relationships.