Seun Kuti, son of the legendary Afrobeat pioneer Fela Kuti, recently recounted an incident from his childhood involving his father’s reaction to a school punishment. According to Seun, after he was flogged by a teacher, Fela took immediate action by visiting the school to address the situation directly with the teacher involved.
This story highlights Fela Kuti’s protective nature towards his children and his willingness to confront authority figures when he felt it was necessary. Seun’s recollection offers a glimpse into the personal life of the iconic musician, known not only for his revolutionary music but also for his strong principles and advocacy for justice.
Seun Kuti has been instrumental in preserving and continuing his father’s musical legacy, performing Afrobeat music globally and maintaining the socially conscious messages that were central to Fela’s work.
For more insights into Seun Kuti’s reflections on his father and their family’s legacy, you can watch the following interview: