In a recent social media exchange, the viral Fish Pie Vendor addressed actress Nons Miraj’s challenge to reveal the identities of individuals he claimed had taken advantage of him. Nons Miraj had previously posted a video urging the vendor to disclose the names of those who allegedly “used” him, expressing concern over his public statements.
In his response, the Fish Pie Vendor emphasized his gratitude towards Nons Miraj, acknowledging her past assistance and kindness. He assured her that he would not tarnish her reputation, highlighting the positive impact she had on his life. Despite the tension, he expressed appreciation for her support.
This exchange has sparked mixed reactions online, with some netizens interpreting the vendor’s response as an apology, while others view it as a veiled warning. The incident underscores the complexities of public interactions and the challenges of navigating personal disputes in the public eye.