DJ Cuppy has set tongues wagging after taking to social media to gush about her unexpected run-in with Fireboy DML in New York, sharing photos and lavishing praise on the singer. The famous DJ’s over-the-top excitement raised eyebrows, as she didn’t hold back in celebrating Fireboy’s talent, humor, and humility, calling the encounter “the sweetest surprise.”
In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Cuppy wrote, “Bumping into Damola in New York was the sweetest surprise. He is such a gentle soul… Plus, his humor and genius creativity, I could go on all day… He’s truly one of a kind Oh, and go and listen to his NEW album ‘Adedamola’ OUT NOW .”
While DJ Cuppy insisted it was a pleasant surprise, fans can’t help but speculate if there’s more than just admiration between the two stars, as the glowing post left people wondering if their NYC meeting was truly as innocent as it seemed.