Renowned Nigerian comedian Atunyota Alleluya Akpobome, popularly known as Ali Baba, and his wife, Mary, are joyfully celebrating the first birthday of their triplets, Aaron, Alexander, and Andrew. The couple welcomed their three sons in April 2024, a blessing that brought immense happiness to their family.
To mark this significant milestone, Ali Baba and Mary shared heartwarming photographs of their triplets, expressing gratitude for the joy and completeness the children have brought into their lives. The images capture the family’s happiness and the bond they share with their sons.
The celebration has garnered widespread attention and congratulations from fans and well-wishers, who have followed the couple’s journey since the announcement of the triplets’ birth. The dedication ceremony held in May 2024 was attended by notable personalities, including comedians AY Makun, Seyi Law, and MC Lively, reflecting the love and support surrounding the family.
As the triplets turn one, the Akpobome family continues to receive an outpouring of love and best wishes from friends, family, and fans, all celebrating this joyous occasion.