Drama unfolds as Odion Ighalo’s ex-wife reveals her father funded their wedding

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Sonia, the ex-wife of football star Odion Ighalo, has called on him to come and reclaim the bride price he paid, while revealing that her father was the sole sponsor of their traditional wedding.

This comes after days of back-and-forth jabs between the estranged couple, with Sonia previously addressing rumors about Ighalo’s potential remarriage, and Ighalo advising her to move on.

In a recent post, Sonia accused Ighalo and his family of failing to show up when she initially arranged for the bride price to be returned years ago, resulting in a financial loss on her part.

She said, “Make arrangements to collect your bride price. I planned this about three or four years ago, but your family didn’t show up. I wasted money on a lovely farewell party with food and entertainment. My father, who was the sole sponsor of our traditional wedding, was disrespected by your family. Your older brother even said he was too afraid of my father to visit his home. Please send your representatives or Sir Clement Ighalo to collect the bride price.”

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